enlighten the people generally, and tyranny and oppression of body and mind will vanish like evil spirits at the dawn of day----Thomas Jefferson

Friday, February 27, 2015

salt of the earth

New friends je cherish
Et treasure their worth,
     But old friends to me
Are the salt of the earth.
Friends are life garments
That everyone wears—
New ones are needed
For dress-up affairs;
But when wer’re at leisure,
We’re more apt to choose
The clothes that wer purchased
With last season’s shoes.
Things wer grow nused to
Are things wer love best-
The ones we are certain
Have weathered the test.
Et is’t it true,
Since wer’re talking of friends,
That new ones bring pleasure
When everything blends?
But when we want someone
Who thinks as we do,
Et who fits, as je said,
Like last summer’s shoes,
We turn to the friends
Who have stuck through the years,
Who echo our laughter
Et dry up our tears;
They know every weakness
Et fault we possess,
But somehow forget them
In friendship’s caress.
The story is old
Yet fragrant et sweet;
I’ve said it before,
But just let me repeat:
New friends je cherish
Et treasure their worth,
But old friends to moi
Are the salt of the earth.